BIP launches first Social Science Survey - please participate


Hi there! As beekeepers, we all love to talk about bees and why we love what we do. Most surveys focus on the bees themselves, but for this one, we are interested in YOU! BIP is working with social scientists at the University of Minnesota to understand more about who beekeepers are, beekeeping organizations, what motivates your beekeeping, your perspectives on beekeeping policies, where you go for information about beekeeping, and what most concerns you in beekeeping today. There are a couple personal questions but don’t worry, your responses are anonymous and will be kept completely confidential!

Although we don’t ask about your favorite color or your favorite meal (Red and cheeseburgers, right?), your participation will help us understand beekeepers and help the beekeeping community, BIP, and others develop strategies to promote and realize the benefits of beekeeping and best management practices. Within six months of completing the survey, we’ll send you a link to a BIP blog post with summary insights about the results and what it might mean for the future of beekeeping.

Right now you are probably really eager to complete this survey so here’s what you do. Follow the link below and start answering questions! The survey should only take 10-15 minutes. We’ll only keep this survey open until July 13th, so don’t miss out - get started now!

Thanks for all your help. We are all in this together and we are excited about this branch of our research!


PS – If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact Christopher Thoms at the University of Minnesota,, 612.624.0702.